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Research and data collection

Research and data collection is a priority area for MLA North West. We are committed to building evidence about the impact that museums, libraries and archives have in the North West and ensuring that strategic planning is influenced by informed research.

MLA North West is working with our partners in Culture Northwest to develop a regional cultural observatory, which would enable an integrated approach to data collation and intelligence provision in the North West.

We are currently working on a regional data position statement which will identify and evaluate existing quantitative and qualitative data relating to museums, libraries and archives in the North West.

For information on our projects and initiatives related to research and data collection, please see the links below:

Related Links:

North West regional Intelligence Unit 

Regional Cultural Observatory - Culture Northwest 

For further information please contact:

Jon Finch, Head of Policy
T: 01925 625061
E: .

Stockton Heath Library Stockton Heath Library
St George's Hall, Liverpool

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