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Regional data position statement

To enable MLA North West to provide strategic leadership, advocacy and support for the region, a complete and reliable range of information and data needs to be gathered to demonstrate the sector’s strengths and successes and identify gaps in provision and areas where improvements need to be made. There have been examples of good practice regarding data collection in the region. Nevertheless the situation is not consistent and requires a strategic approach.

We are therefore taking the lead in producing a position statement for data collection in the North West. The statement will:

  • identify and evaluate existing quantitative and qualitative data relating to museums, libraries and archives in the North West
  • identify the data needs within the sector
  • provide MLA North West with prioritised data collection needs and suggestions towards a strategy ensuring the collection of relevant data.

MLA North West has commissioned the Kingshurst Consultancy Group to undertake the task of researching, developing and producing the position statement which will be published in the spring of 2005.

Related Documents:

Regional Data Project Brief
RegionalDataProjectBrief.pdf (50 KB)  

Please contact:

Jon Finch, Head of Policy and Development
T: 01925 625061

Stockton Heath Library Bolton Museums and Art Gallery
Stockton Heath Library

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