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MLA’s Designation Scheme celebrates the leading museum, library and archive collections in England: those that are deemed to be of outstanding national and international importance.

The Scheme recognises that organisations with Designated collections care for a significant part of England’s cultural heritage. It seeks to identify where those collections are held, in order to enhance our knowledge and understanding of England’s cultural assets.

The proven benefits of identifying a designated collection include:

  • strengthened governance
  • creation of a focus for awareness and profile building
  • promotional opportunities for your collection
  • enhanced fundraising ability

Application Guidance Notes and the application form are available on the MLA website at

The next two meetings are scheduled for 25&26 October and 14&15 February. Applications received by Friday 11 August will be likely to be considered at the October meeting.

Those interested in applying are advised to contact their Regional Agency prior to submitting and application to MLA. Your contact in the North West Region in Paul Fraser Webb, Development Officer (Standards).
E: ,
T: on 01925 625054.

Stockton Heath Library Bolton Museums and Art Gallery
Stockton Heath Library

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