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This section of our website contains latest news relating to the cultural sector, including MLA Partnership press releases.

Please click on the news title to read the full article.

MLA North West News The impact of museums, libraries and archives on health
20 September 2006
MLA North West is gathering examples of museum, library and archive activity around the health agenda, to promote the sector’s role in this important policy area.
MLA North West News MLA North West staff changes
20 September 2006
Claire McDade, Museum Development Officer, leaves for new pastures.
MLA North West News Thinking of joining the Diversity Network?
19 September 2006
The Diversity Network is a great opportunity to meet colleagues working on a wide range of community engagement and diversity activity in the region.
MLA North West News Key messages for all library staff
19 September 2006
Autumnwatch, the next stage of the BBC Breathing Places campaign, will be on BBC2 from 2 – 12 October at 8-9pm. Libraries will be mentioned on air throughout the fortnight by Bill Oddie and his team as a first port of call for information. So it’s really important that all staff are aware of these key messages for the public.
MLA North West News Liverpool to be party capital in 2007
06 September 2006
Liverpool is getting ready for the biggest birthday party the city has ever seen and Liverpool Culture Company would like to hear about events taking place to celebrate the city’s 800th
MLA North West News London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games
05 September 2006
Delivering the Games will be a massive undertaking, requiring the provision of a whole range of goods and services from almost every sector, from construction, manufacturing, professional services, tourism, hospitality, leisure, marketing, merchandising, retail, food, media & creative industries. Businesses across the UK and beyond are starting to ask questions about the opportunities. Some will decide that they do not wish to participate, while others will see it as a “once-in-a life-time” opportunity.
MLA North West News Family Learning Week 7-15 Oct
05 September 2006
National Family Learning Week (FLW), 7-15 October, is an annual awareness campaign promoting and supporting Family Learning. If you would like more information about getting involved call Campaign for Learning on 0870 350 2345
MLA North West News Co-ordinating digitisation in Europe
04 September 2006
A progress report on ‘Co-ordinating digitisation in Europe’ has been published, covering activity in 2005.
MLA North West News Challenge Fund for university/research libraries
04 September 2006
Launch of the CURL-RIN Challenge Fund to help university/research libraries add their content to the Copac union catalogue.
MLA North West News Discussion paper on future assessment of Local Authority services
04 September 2006
The Audit Commission has published a Corporate Discussion Paper on the Assessment of Local Services Beyond 2008.
Showing 1 to 10 of 44 records.
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