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The Big Conversation - Diversity and your organisation

On 4th March 2005, MLA North West, in partnership with Arts About Manchester (AAM), held a Diversity event in Preston. The day was designed for participants to discuss “what is meant by diversity” and to examine the complexity of issues surrounding the diversity agenda. It took an in-depth look at what diversity means to museums, libraries and archives and how they can become relevant and representative organisations. The day was also designed to give staff in museums, libraries and archives an opportunity to discuss the type of support they would like MLA North West to provide in the future and how they would like the North West Diversity Network to operate.

We are currently compiling a report on the outcomes of that day, which will incorporate all the feedback from flip charts. We are also collating the last of the feedback from participant’s evaluation forms and we will be analysing these using the Generic Learning Outcomes.

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