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Diversity network

MLA North West facilitates a regional Diversity network for museums, libraries and archives. The network seeks to address issues of diversity through the sharing of good practice, information and ideas.

The network aims to:

  • ensure that the North West’s museums, archives and libraries can play an active role in meeting the needs of their diverse communities
  • broaden the understanding of the role that museums, libraries and archives can play in engaging people in decisions about their heritage and culture
  • promote knowledge and understanding of our diverse cultural heritage
  • share best practice and build innovative partnerships through the development and promotion of case studies
  • develop a training programme for museums, libraries and archives practitioners, to develop skills, knowledge and confidence in how cultural diversity impacts on all aspects their services
  • pilot self assessment diversity toolkits.

To join the network, please contact Nicola Siminson, Learning and Access officer
T: 01925 625059.

Stockton Heath Library Bolton Museums and Art Gallery
Stockton Heath Library

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