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Leading Archives and Museums national training programmes

This represents a superb opportunity for managers in museums and archives to develop their leadership skills. The focus of the programmes is on aspiring leaders (Future Leaders Programme) and mid-career managers (Senior Managers Programme). The structure and content of the programmes are unique and are designed to complement other opportunities in the cultural sector, available both regionally and nationally.

Please find a brochure which has full details of each programme at

MLA has agreed to fund the following places on these programmes, in the North West:

For archives:
2 places on the Future Leaders Programme
1 place on the Senior Manager Programme

For museums:
1 place on the Future Leaders Programme
1 place on the Senior Manager Programme

The closing date for applications is 29 August 2006.

Related Documents:

Archives LAM Booking Form FL
ArchivesLAMBookingFormFL-email.doc (138 KB)  

Archives LAM Booking Form SM
ArchivesLAMBookingFormSM-email.doc (136 KB)  

LAM Archives Letter - Archive Manager
LAMArchivesletter-archivemanagers.doc (69 KB)  

Leading Archives and Museums
LeadingArchivesandMuseums.pdf (396 KB)  

To apply please go to and follow the links to Our Programmes and then to Museums and Archives. You can then select the programme you are interested in i.e. either Senior Managers or Future Leaders and either Archives or Regional Museums and download the brochure and appropriate application form. Please read the guidance note on how to apply.

For further information please contact:
T: 08702 406 206 or visit

Stockton Heath Library Bolton Museums and Art Gallery
Stockton Heath Library

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