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Education Programme Delivery Plan for schools

The North West Museums’ Hub is implementing an Education Programme Delivery Plan (EPDP) for 2004-6 as part of Renaissance in the Regions. The EPDP describes how the North West Museums’ Hub will work towards delivering a comprehensive and integrated service to schools.

The EPDP has been informed by detailed research and consultation undertaken with the education sector. A report has been produced to share the results of the EPDP research with the wider museum community. The report offers an insight into the current educational climate, describing the main initiatives and stakeholders affecting schools and museums. It also provides a summary of research carried out with teachers who were asked about their views on museums.

Please click here to view the entire research report.

To view particular sections of the report, please click on the chapter heading of your choice:


1. Executive Summary
2. Renaissance in the Regions and the Education Delivery Plan
3. The current education climate: the creativity agenda
4. What was learnt from the teachers’ focus groups
5. Research results on why some schools don’t use museums
6. Local Education Authorities
7. Education initiatives
8. ICT in schools
9. The North West Hub Education Delivery Plan
10. Key documents
11. Acknowledgements

Please contact:

Jane Fletcher, Learning and Access Officer
E: T: 01768 895778 (Cumbria Office)

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